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Library Policies

Off-campus, or remote, access to the SCC databases is restricted to current students, faculty and staff of St. Charles Community College. If you are not currently enrolled at SCC or are not currently employed by the college, you will not have access to these databases remotely.


The Schnare Library is a member of the MOBIUS Consortium of more than 60 academic libraries in the state of Missouri. Currently enrolled SCC students, faculty and staff can request books from any library in MOBIUS. Requested books arrive in about three days, and you are notified when they are available for pickup. If it is not convenient for you to pick up your books at SCC, you may request for books to be sent to any library in MOBIUS though Pickup Anywhere.

Search MOBIUS Catalog and request material

Interlibrary Loan

Research materials which are not found in the Archway or MOBIUS online catalogs or cannot be accessed via our full-text online databases can be obtained from other libraries through the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) process. Articles usually arrive in 1-3 days, but some materials may take 1-2 weeks to arrive depending on the lending library. Forms may be obtained at the Reference Desk, or you can fill out the online form. Email for assistance.

Number of Inter-Library Loan requests that may be submitted:

  • Students: Five requests per semester.
  • Faculty and staff: There is no limit unless a fee is charged by the lending library. No more than 10 fee-based interlibrary loans may be requested per semester. If needed for classes taken at another school, the faculty/staff member is encouraged to use that institution's library for requesting interlibrary loan materials.
  • Interlibrary loan is not available to community users.

Loan Periods

Currently enrolled students, faculty and staff can check out circulating materials with a valid SCC ID card. Community users with a valid card may also check out materials.

  • Books – four weeks.
  • Audiovisual – Students, faculty and staff members may check out audiovisual material (DVD, sound recordings, etc.) for 10 days with the exception of those placed on reserve by faculty members. Community users must use audiovisual materials in the library.
  • Laptops – The library loans laptops to current SCC students, who do not have overdue materials or outstanding fines. Students are to use these laptops solely in the library. The checkout period is two hours with one renewal if available upon request.
  • Periodicals – Library use only for all patrons.
  • Reference Books – Library use only for all patrons.
  • Reserves – Students, faculty and staff only. Loan periods are set by instructors.
  • Study Rooms - Students, faculty and staff only. Two hour maximum.
Renewing Items

You may renew a book or an audiovisual item through the account link on the library’s page, by calling the Circulation Desk at 636-922-8434, or visiting the library.

Students, Faculty and Staff have unlimited renewals unless a hold has been placed on the book. Audiovisual items may renew once. Mobius books may renew twice for four weeks each. Community Users have one renewal unless a hold has been placed on the book.

Overdue Fines

There are no fines for overdue books. A bill for the estimated cost of a replacement copy plus an additional $15 processing fee (for each book) will be sent to the patron one week after an item is due. The replacement cost for books borrowed from other MOBIUS libraries is $120 for each book. Students with overdue books will have their student records "flagged" which will prohibit them from receiving their grades, enrolling in classes and having their transcripts sent to other institutions.

While there are no fines on overdue books or videos, overdue reserve material incur the following fines:

Reserve Material
  • 1-hour reserve – $1 per hour.
  • 2-hour reserve – 50 cents per hour.
  • 24-hour reserve – 50 cents per hour.
  • 1-day, 3-day & 7-day reserve – $1 per day each day the library is open.
  • Maximum fine will be the replacement cost of the item.

Loan periods, fines and checkout limits may vary depending upon the patron category.

Placing Items on Hold

Students, faculty, staff and community users may reserve a book that is currently checked out by placing a "hold" on the book. When the book is returned, we will notify you by email. Books must be picked up at the circulation desk within one week of notification. Patrons may place a hold on a book by contacting the circulation desk at 636-922-8434, or by clicking the Request button in the record of the book in the online catalog.

Lost or Damaged Items

All borrowers will be required to pay the replacement cost plus a $15 processing fee for each lost or damaged item. The replacement cost for books borrowed from other MOBIUS libraries is $120 for each book.

Refunds for Materials Lost and Paid

A full refund will be given if the item is returned with a receipt within 14 days of payment. If it is returned with a receipt within six months of payment, the cost of the item but not the processing fee will be refunded. After twelve months, no returns will be accepted.

Library Computer Use

The library computers are open to the SCC community and visitors. Students and employees must login using their campus email and password. Visitors can be logged in by the librarians. Because the primary purpose of the library is to serve students, availability of computers for visitors will be subject to student demand and use. Unaccompanied minors will not be allowed to use the computers.


Black & white printing is available from the Schnare Library computers. Currently enrolled students will get $10 credit each semester on their account; any remaining credit at the end of the semester does not roll over. Prints are $0.10 single-sided and $0.15 double-sided. Cash only.

Wireless printing is available on campus. You have the option of printing from your home computer, laptop, phone or other devices.

  • Just login to your CougarMail account and send the document as an attachment to
  • After your document is sent, go to any print release station on campus and type in your Cougar username (without the ending) to print.
  • Print Jobs will stay in the queue for 3 hours.
  • SCC’s wireless printing supports the following file formats: Word, PDF, Excel, and PowerPoint. All jobs will print single-sided.

Black & white photocopying is available on the first floor of the SCC Library. Photocopies are $.15 single-sided and $0.30 double-sided. Cash only.

Current residents of St. Charles County who are not enrolled at SCC may apply for a Community User Card. A Community User Card enables patrons to check out up to three items at one time from the Schnare Library. For more information, see loan periods and renewing information for Community Users.

St. Charles County residents wishing to apply for a Community User Card should present personal identification bearing their name and address to the Circulation Desk.

Access the library's online copyright guide for more information on using copyrighted material in education.

Copyright Policy

The following SCC Library Copyright Policy is in compliance with St. Charles Community College's Copyright Policy. Below is information that will assist students, faculty and staff to adhere to the copyright guidelines in the U.S. copyright law.

Reference librarians can assist you in seeking copyright permission. Please use the contact information on the library's online copyright guide. 

Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan activities are subject to copyright restrictions due to the fact that rights to publications are not purchased or transferred to the requestor. The House and Senate subcommittees made an interpretation of these restrictions in 1976 through an interpretation of 17 U.S.C. Section 108 (g)(2). The commission considers the guidelines which follow to be a workable and fair interpretation of the intent of the law.

A few guidelines include:

  1. During a calendar year, a library may borrow five articles from a periodical title newer than five years old. Exceptions to this "Rule of Five" include that the title is on order; the issue is missing; the item is at the bindery; or the issue was damaged or not available.
  2. All interlibrary loan requests must bear a symbol of compliance.
  3. The requesting library must keep borrowing records for three calendar years.

The alternatives include borrowing the entire volume or issue, using a document delivery or full-text service, which includes copyright fees, obtaining permission from the copyright holder directly, or joining a copyright clearinghouse. Libraries that choose not to subscribe to such a service may simply keep track of their borrowing and lending habits and stop borrowing when their need necessitates purchasing the title directly. Most document delivery services factor the cost of copyright permissions into their fee. (Source: Handbook of Federal Librarianship)


An instructor may copy and use 10% or up to 30 seconds (whichever is less) of music without copyright permission.

Printed Material

An instructor can request that a photocopy of an item be placed on reserve without copyright permission.

Educators have a fair use right to make:

Single copy – created from any of the following by or for an educator at his or her individual request for scholarly research, or use in teaching or preparation to teach a class:

  • a chapter from a book.
  • an article from a periodical or newspaper.
  • a short story, short essay or short poem.
  • a chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture from a book, periodical or newspaper.

Multiple copies – for classroom use or discussion (not to exceed, in any event, more than one copy per student in a course) provided that:

  1. The copying meets the tests of brevity and spontaneity as defined below.
  2. The copying meets the cumulative effect test as defined below.
  3. Each copy includes a notice of copyright.


Poetry – a complete poem if less than 250 words and if printed on not more than two pages.

Prose – either a complete article, story or essay of less than 2,500 words, not greater than 10 percent of the work, whichever is less.

Illustration – one chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture per book or per periodical issue.


In order to meet the fair use test of spontaneity, the inspiration and decision of the individual to use the work and the time of its use (for maximum teaching effectiveness) are so close together, that it would be unreasonable to expect a timely reply to a request for permission.

Cumulative effect

  1. Material may be copied for only one course in the school in which the copies are made.
  2. One short poem, article, story, essay or two excerpts may be copied from the same author.
  3. Three short poems, articles, stories or excerpts from the same collective work or periodical volume may be copied during one class term.
  4. Multiple copying is limited to nine times for one course during one class term.

Educators may not:

  1. Copy to avoid purchase of materials.
  2. Copy from consumable materials (workbooks, activity books, exercises, standardized tests, answer sheets, etc.).
  3. Make illegal copies on direction from higher authority.
  4. Use materials copied by another educator without securing written permission.
  5. Alter a copyrighted image (cartoon, graph, chart, photograph, diagram, etc.) by modifying the original to create a derivative work.
  6. Copy the same item for more than one course (copies may be made for each section of the course).
  7. Charge students more than the actual cost of the authorized copies.


Permission is probably not needed if the use of the material is for only one semester, as this is considered "inspirational" use. However, if the article or book chapter will be used again, or if you are using a significant amount of one work (for example, more than one chapter of a book), copyright permission must be obtained. Also remember that "out of print" does not automatically give permission to photocopy. The Learning Resource Center will coordinate solicitations and receipt of copyright permissions. Faculty members should contact library liaisons for assistance in requesting copyright permission.


An instructor may use a videotape at any time if the following is true:

  • It is a legal copy, professionally made.
  • It supports the curriculum being taught.
  • It is documented (in the syllabus or lesson plan).
  • It is used in a face-to-face educational situation.

An instructor may not copy a video from VHS to DVD format without copyright permission.

The performance of a musical or play can be videotaped for instructor evaluation only without copyright permission; no copy can be placed in the library's collection. A video reproduction that does not support curriculum is not covered under fair use.

Off-air taping is defined as: television programs provided without charge by local television stations for reception by the general public (e.g., ABC, NBC, CBS). An off-air taping may be captured if:

  • It is used to support the curriculum being taught, only at the instructor's request (fair use).
  • It is used within the first consecutive 10 class days following taping and used no more than two times (fair use).

The instructor may retain (but may not show to students) an off-air tape for a period not to exceed 45 consecutive calendar days following the date of recording.

Educators may continue to use only those off-air recordings from cable and satellite programs that have been designated and cleared for educational use, and use programs with all class sections within the course for which the recording was requested.

The primary goal of the library collection is to support the credit educational curriculum at St. Charles Community College. The purpose of the Collection Development Policy is to guide the growth and maintenance of the Schnare Library collection in accordance with both the library and the college’s mission statements.

SCC serves our community by focusing on academic excellence, student success, workforce advancement, and life-long learning within a global society. We celebrate diversity and we enrich the economic and cultural vitality of the region by providing an accessible, comprehensive, and supportive environment for teaching and learning.

The mission of the Schnare Library is to engage students in learning, link people to resources and give exceptional service to all.

St. Charles Community College library upholds the principles of the American Library Association's “Library Bill of Rights” and "Freedom to View" statements.

The library strives to select materials representing all sides of various issues. Because of this, some materials in our collection may be considered controversial by certain groups or individuals. It is not our intent to offend these groups or to endorse a certain aspect of an issue. Instead, our goal is to provide materials representing diverse viewpoints in support of our academic offerings and to suit the varied backgrounds of our students, faculty and staff.

If any of our users has a complaint regarding our library materials, they may fill out a “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” form located at the Circulation Desk. This form will be reviewed by the Director of the Library and a decision will be made about the challenged material. The material will stay on the shelf while it is under review. Titles cannot be resubmitted within 5 years of their initial challenge. The complainant will receive a written copy of the decision. 

The Schnare Library supports copyright law stated in the Copyright Act of 1976 as amended. The library also recognizes “fair use” by educational institutions.

Read more about SCC's Copyright Policy

The library receives funding from the college to purchase or provide access to new materials, both print and electronic. We will be fiscally responsible by purchasing from MOBIUS, MOREnet, and NILRC consortia when possible.

These resources may be supplemented by grants, gifts and purchases by other college departmental accounts.

There is no specific budget allocation for individual disciplines. This allows for greater flexibility in meeting unanticipated needs, such as departmental or program changes or increased patron demand in a subject area.

All library users, regardless of status, are encouraged to make requests for library purchases by contacting any of the reference librarians. If the item is consistent with the collection policy guidelines, and if money is available, the material will be acquired. 

The reference librarians act as liaisons to the academic disciplines for collection development. Each liaison consults with faculty members to obtain purchasing recommendations and uses selection tools, such as review publications and publisher catalogs to select materials. Ultimate responsibility for collection development lies with the Director of the Library. 

Materials are selected according to the following criteria:

  • Support of the SCC educational curriculum
  • Correlation/fit with the existing collection
  • Appropriate level
  • Accuracy and objectivity
  • Reputation of author or publisher
  • How current/permanent is the material
  • Price appropriateness
  • Demand
  • Condition

Works which are of lasting value, will be purchased in hardcover when available. Paperbacks will be purchased for rapidly changing topics or in the interest of economy. In general, single copies of books are purchased. If a topic is very popular, the library will consider purchasing multiple copies. 

Textbooks are not normally purchased by the library. They will be purchased only when they provide a good, general introduction to a topic or when no other general books can be found. Textbooks for specific courses will not be purchased. Professors may place their own textbook copies on reserve for students’ use, if they wish.

Periodicals, journal, magazine, and newspaper subscriptions represent a continual and often large expense and are thus added very selectively. Priority is given to periodicals indexed in one of our online periodical databases and those which supplement full-text electronic resources. Full-text availability from one of our subscription databases will be another factor in determining whether to subscribe to the individual title either online or in print. 

Electronic Resources
Electronic resources are defined as any material requiring a computer for access. The Schnare library shall choose to acquire or access electronic resources based on the above selection guidelines. Because there is often a physical equivalent to electronic resources, the following will be considered in choosing format. 

  • Equivalent price or increase in price is considered appropriate for advantage of format.
  • More sophisticated searching tools are provided in the electronic format.
  • Providing multi-user and remote access is important for resource.
  • A significant amount of space is saved.
  • Electronic version is updated more frequently.

Inclusion of Internet resources on the SCC library website is based on the general selection guidelines.

Foreign Language Materials
Items written in languages other than English will be acquired when they support the foreign language curriculum requirements.

Popular Fiction
Popular fiction will not normally be purchased for the regular book collection, unless the book is considered of significant literary value or is studied in one of the literature or reading courses. The library maintains a rental collection of popular fiction for patrons’ leisure reading. This collection is frequently rotated and updated, and book requests for the popular fiction collection may be made at the Circulation Desk.

The library accepts gift materials according to the same collection guidelines as purchased materials. Books that do not meet the collection development guidelines will be disposed of as the library sees fit, either through discard, book sale or donation. 

The library staff will provide a letter of acknowledgment of receipt but will not appraise the value of the materials donated. 

Periodically, reference librarians will evaluate the collection to identify materials for withdrawal. The same guidelines apply to the existing collection as to new purchases, and materials that no longer meet the collection policy will be removed from the shelf. For example, materials that are outdated, damaged, seldom circulated, or contain inaccurate information will be removed. Faculty members may be consulted when materials in their disciplines are being considered for withdrawal. 

Damaged or missing materials are not automatically replaced but are subject to a reorder review process. If the item still meets the collection development policy, the original book or a new edition will be ordered, if available. 

This collection development policy will be periodically reviewed by library staff and college faculty members with changes made when appropriate.