Article II.09 Amendments to Board Policies and Administrative: Procedures

Procedures: Article II.09 Amendments to Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

New or amended policy and procedure proposals may be initiated by submitting a request to the executive assistant in the Office of the President, who will apply one of the following three categories and review/approval processes: 

  1. Clerical Amendment
    A clerical amendment is defined as a change which does not change policy or related procedures but updates job titles, phone numbers, office locations, or other information to maintain correctness and clarity. Upon receipt of a clerical amendment request, the executive assistant drafts the amendment and submits it for written approval by the content owner. Upon receipt of such approval, the executive assistant amends the online policy manual.

  2. Procedure Amendment
    A procedure amendment is defined as a change which adds, further defines, or changes procedure but does not change or affect the substance of the related policy. Upon receipt of a procedure amendment request, the executive assistant contacts the content owner, who assigns a responsible party to work with departmental constituents to review the proposed amendment, create an electronically marked draft of changes to original procedures, and draft a summary which describes and justifies the proposed amendment. These documents are submitted to the executive assistant, who may make additional changes to the draft, in cooperation with the responsible party, to ensure consistency within the manual. The final proposed amendment and summary are submitted to executive leadership for further review. The President’s Cabinet will approve, decline, make further changes, or request additional research. Once approved, the executive assistant amends the online policy manual and posts a summary of the amendment on the employee portal.

  3. Policy Amendment
    A policy amendment is defined as a change which creates new policy or alters existing policy. Policy amendments follow the same course as procedure amendments, described above. Once approved by the President’s Cabinet, the proposed amendment is formally presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration and approval. At the next regular meeting, the Board of Trustees may approve, decline, make further changes, or request additional research on the proposed policy. Once approved, the executive assistant updates the online policy manual and posts a summary of the amendment on the employee portal.

Content Owner: Office of the President
Issued: 08/1993
Revised: 07/2000, 08/2014, 12/2020


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