482.1 Prohibition of Tobacco Use, Smoking and Simulated Smoking

482.1 Prohibition of Tobacco Use, Smoking and Simulated Smoking

P-482.1 The College is committed to providing an environment that is safe and healthy. Consistent with this policy, the College became a tobacco-free campus as of January 1, 2007. The use of tobacco, smoking, and simulated smoking products are prohibited on all College property and in all College vehicles.
Pr-482.1.1 Policy statement signage will be clearly posted on the perimeter of the property, at all entrances, and other prominent places.
Pr-482.1.2 Compliance with this policy is the shared responsibility of all College personnel. Employees are encouraged to communicate this policy with courtesy, respect, and diplomacy. If difficulties arise with compliance, the Department of Public Safety should be notified.
Pr-482.1.3 Students and visitors who persist in violation of the policy will be required to meet with the SCC Chief of Police (or designee). The SCC Chief of Police (or designee) may discuss the policy, issue a warning or fine, require the violator to attend a workshop sponsored on campus, or a combination thereof.
Pr-482.1.4 Students who repeatedly violate the policy may be referred to the Director of Student Life and may be disciplined under the student code of conduct as appropriate.
Pr-482.1.5 Violation of this policy by an employee should be reported to the employee’s supervisor. Employees who violate this policy and have already been verbally counseled will be subject to the Disciplinary Action policy (Pol. 593.0).
D-482.1.1 Prohibited usage of products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, electronic cigarettes, E-cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco.

Content Owner: Marketing and Student Life
Issued: 07/2006
Revised: 04/2010, 10/2012, 04/2018

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